Hi, I’m Mateusz Juściński also known as luinnar, I write code.

I’m a distributed systems enthusiast, a good code taster, and a fan of replacing people with small scripts.

I started my IT adventure in 2000 when I created my first website. I’ve been designing and building web applications since then, I mostly make clouds now. And I mean “making” not “using”. I’m a full stack developer. My stack begins with front-end apps in browser, it ends on virtualisation libraries, and there are multiple juicy layers and technologies in between.

I believe in technology. I want to use it, create it and share my knowledge about it. I’m allergic to marketing nonsense and laziness. If you want to read more about my motivations, check out Hello World! article.

I like creating stuff, so I enjoy photographing and woodworking.

You can catch me on: